
ABYSSALS: Sworn to the Grave for Exalted 3E

Created by Abyssal Exalted - Onyx Path Publishing

Help us create a PDF and limited edition hardcover for Abyssals: Sworn to the Grave for Exalted 3E.

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Sat Dec 9 '23 Announcement
9 months ago – Sat, Dec 09, 2023 at 09:57:13 AM

Lo Gravediggers,

We're in the final days countdown for Abyssals: Sworn to the Grave on Indiegogo - it ends at 11:59 PM PST on Thursday, December 14th! There's still time to pledge to a Deathlord, but we're definately getting closer to the finish line. With that in mind, I wanted to touch on some of the basics over these last 6 days to make sure that everyone has all the information they need to support the project in a way that works best for them.

Final Week Schedule

  • Dec 7 - Final Week Review - Things to Know Before the End
  • Dec 9 - Pledge Perks & Add On Review (that's today!)
  • Dec 10 - Manuscript Preview # 7 - Chapters 7+9
  • Dec 11 - Fiction finale
  • Dec 12 - Stretch Goal review
  • Dec 13 - Manuscript Preview # 8 - Chapter 9
  • Dec 14 - Final Day Checklist & What Comes Next

Whether you've just Exalted or have memories of earlier ages, these are good items to review to make sure we all end up where we want to be.

(An aside to all backers new and old - if you're curious about this project and looking for more information, scroll back a few days on the Updates to find a Final Week Countdown post that lists a bunch of resources, including most of the current draft manuscript, podcasts and interviews, information on shipping, and really important information on Indiegogo's Tip process!)


To borrow an analogy that I've used in past crowdfunding campaigns, this process we're a part of works similar to the "Viewers Like You" support campaign from your local Public Broadcasting Station (for those who get American television channels or watched Sesame Street in the pre-HBO era): There are various levels of support that you can pledge to, and these come with various levels of rewards offered as a thank you. Like getting a tote bag or t-shirt when you give money to public broadcasting to fund them doing their thing, you can get rewards for helping Onyx Path work on this project.

Let's review the primary choices to ensure that you've pledged to a Perk that provides all the rewards you wish to receive.


To pledge support to this project and receive the book in one (or both) of the formats offered, this Indiegogo campaign builds upon three core Perks:

  • STYGIAN CITIZEN: Not ready to commit, or just looking to offer general support? This pledge tier is for you. This does not include our primary reward, but allows you to select some digital optional Add Ons, as well as participating in the post-campaign Pledge Manager as a backer. You'll also be able to read the draft manuscript of Abyssals: Sworn to the Grave that we post throughout this campaign.
  • ACOLYTE OF THE DEATHLORDS: This is the PDF-only reward tier. So, if you're saving trees or saving shelf space - or avoiding the shipping charges that are absolutely ever-increasing - this is the reward tier options that you should begin with. The PDF will be fulfilled by our partners at - when it is ready, you will receive a link to add it to your DTRPG library at no cost and be able to download at your leisure.
  • CHOSEN OF DEATH: This reward tier includes the deluxe hardcover version of this book. Shipping costs ARE NOT included in the cost of your pledge. You will be charged for shipping after the campaign through the pledge manager.  In addition, this option also includes the PDF version, so you will get a digital copy as described above.

The first step in joining our campaign is to select your Perk. When you join us, you pledge a certain amount to support this campaign's main goal, which is the creation of a limited deluxe edition Abyssals: Sworn to the Grave book and PDF. As thanks for your support, we offer perk rewards based on your level of funding pledged. The Perk descriptions outline the various rewards reflecting various levels of support pledged. Please note that pledges DO NOT include the cost of shipping. Shipping costs will be calculated and charged later in the Pledge Manager, when the final books are printing and we have a better handle on the associated costs. For estimates on what shipping may look like when the books are ready, see our main campaign page.

It's also important to know the projected delivery dates on these rewards. Onyx Path likes to add some padding to their release projections, so chance are the rewards will go out earlier than this... but, the past few years have demonstrated why it's important to add in some padding! The team works hard to turn the draft manuscript you've been reading into these fantastic books, but that absolutely takes a lot of time, so be aware that there will be some waiting for these rewards. I'll keep you updated all throughout the post-campaign period, though, so you'll always know where we stand on each reward. More on that in an upcoming post.


As we've mentioned a few times, this is not the first time Onyx Path has run a campaign on Indiegogo. Though we normally use one of two alternates, we sometimes find ourselves needing a third option to get things done in a timely manner. The last campaign we ran was for Exigents, and it worked fairly well!

There have been a few changes to the Pledging process since that campaign, however, and we found out about them after launch. Apologies for not getting this info to you sooner - Indiegogo actually prohibits people from pledging to their own campaign, so I didn't see this until others brought it up.

When you choose your Perk and make your pledge, Indiegogo has a spot for an Indiegogo Tip. It should be noted that this does not go to Onyx Path - not even to me! It is an extra gratuity that Indiegogo takes to invest in their platform. 

Which is not a terrible thing, 'cause the platforms could always use some work. However, the issue that's come up is the amount does not default to $0 - the space autofills in an amount based on your perk selection. You must select the amount, then choose "An other amount" and adjust to $0 if you do not want to include an extra tip for Indiegogo.

PLEDGE MANAGER ACCESS - About 4-6 weeks after the campaign has ended we'll launch BackerKit, our post-campaign pledge manager, and invite the backers to set up their rewards via survey. This allows you to confirm your pledge and add on anything that you might have missed, as well as possibly increasing your pledged reward Perk, should you choose to expand your reward selection. This option will give international backers additional time to investigate shipping options, should they choose, knowing they can confirm a physical reward at a later date. Funding collected in BackerKit after the campaign does not count toward any campaign Stretch Goals, however.

In addition to these primary Perk options, there are several limited premium Perks that involve a little more interaction with the setting and lore of Abyssals. Whether you want to submit a name to be used for an NPC in our upcoming Stretch Goal PDF supplement, or want to suggest a new Underworld location to be further detailed, or even inspire a new Soulsteel artifact, these premium Perks have interesting options for you. Check the Perk listing down the right side of the main page for additional details. These premium perks do have limited spots available, however. At this time, they may all be accounted for but pledges slip and slide around as we move through these final days, so if you were interested in any of these rewards, keep checking in as we approach the finish line, because early backers may change their plans as we get closer to locking in.

COMPILED DRAFT MANUSCRIPT PREVIEW – During the course of the campaign, we will be posting the ENTIRE manuscript for Abyssals: Sworn to the Grave over a series of preview updates. After the campaign, these draft previews will be compiled into a single document and made available to supporters of this campaign.

ABYSSALS: SWORN TO THE GRAVE BACKER PDF  - Indiegogo backers will receive a redemption link for an advance version of this book before it goes on sale to the public. This initial "Backer Version" will be used to get feedback from the fans to make the final version the best that it can be. When it has been updated to the final version, it will automatically be added to your DriveThruRPG library and available for download at your convenience.

ABYSSALS: SWORN TO THE GRAVE DELUXE HARDCOVER - - The main goal of this campaign is to fund the creation, production, and print run of a deluxe hardcover edition of this book. Note that all Perks that include the hardcover version also include the digital PDF version as a bonus. International shipping costs ARE NOT included in the cost of your pledge. You will be charged for shipping after the campaign through the pledge manager.

OPTIONAL DISCOUNTED PoD VERSION – For this Abyssals: Sworn to the Grave campaign, you will have the option of using’s Print-On-Demand service to purchase a printed copy of the PDF directly from their PoD partners at discounted cost (this cost is not included in your pledge, and you do not need to increase the cost of your pledge to use this option). When the PoD versions are available to order, you will receive links to purchase these versions of the books from You DO NOT need to take advantage of this PoD offer as it does not affect in any way your pledge rewards.

I know that many backers were eager to join the campaign, but also interested in seeing more about the book before any larger commitments were made. Since Indiegogo collects your support pledge when you confirm your Perk, it's not easy to modify your pledge after the fact. In our post-campaign pledge manager, Backerkit, you'll be able to upgrade if you decided to move from Supporter to PDF or Hardcover version, as well as adding in any Add On optional rewards that you've decided to grab at a later time.

The only other option that I know of for altering your pledge at this time (before the campaign concludes) is to pledge a second time, picking your new pledge, and then canceling  your current pledge in your Contributions review page. That has the benefit of getting everything locked in early, but BackerKit will allow flexibility and we won't process any charges until the Abyssals book is finalized and preparing for distribution. 

So, if you're interested and hesitant, I suggest pledging at the $5 STYGIAN CITIZEN tier to ensure full access to rewards and options when the BackerKit pledge manager is launched. If, like me, you're ready to go, pick your final Perk now and ensure that's what's showing up in your Indiegogo Contributions review page.


After you've chosen your Perk you will see a menu of additional reward options that you can select before your final confirmation. Each can be added to your digital library via a special redemption link that will be sent out as part of our perk fulfillment plan.


In addition to this selection of Add On options, there are a few other Exalted Third Edition PDFs available, including the Dragon-Blooded: What Fire Has Wrought, Lunars: Fangs at the Gate, Exigents: Out of the Ashes, Exalted: Essence, Crucible of Legend, Arms of the Chosen, and The Realm, as well as a Fiction and Music bundle. You can also pre-order the Sidereals PDF and get the draft manuscript ahead of the PDF and discounted Print-on-Demand link when it becomes available. Again, these options will also be available in BackerKit, our post-campaign pledge manager.

Once you've picked your Perk and chosen your Add-Ons, you will be asked for a final confirmation and your supporting pledge will be processed by Indiegogo.

While we will have a pre-order option for those who are unable to participate in this Indiegogo project, joining in with our crowdfunding campaign before the December 14th conclusion provides the following benefits:

  • You'll have full access in the BackerKit Pledge Manager and the ability to upgrade your pledge and add on additional rewards
  • You'll be listed as a supporter in the Deluxe Abyssals book
  • You'll be eligable to have any unlocked Stretch Goal rewards added to your Perk Reward list as a bonus!  

Refund and Repledge

If you're looking to switch up your Perk selection before the end of the campaign (or want to revise your pledge so the Indiegogo Tip is adjusted), you can Refund your current pledge and re-Pledge to this campaign with the correct selection and pledge amounts.

To check your pledge

In the top right of the page is your account square. Selecting that, you can see options that include "My Contributions"

Selecting "My Contributions" will bring up the amount you've pledged for this campaign (and any other Indiegogo campaigns).

You can see your Perk selection and the amount you'd paid. 

At this point, if you decide to revise your pledge, you can select VIEW DETAILS which will bring up an overview of your pledge and payment like this...

And at this point, if you need to, you can choose to REFUND your CONTRIBUTION. 

For more info about refunds and Indiegogo, you can see their FAQ here:

If you refund your contribution, you are able to re-pledge and adjust the tip amount as noted above without any issue. You'll also be able to select any ADD ON options that you may have missed in the first go round.

You can also perform these actions in the reverse order - pledging to a premium tier immediately, for example, and refunding the pledge that no longer meets your goals.


About 6-8 weeks after the campaign has ended, I'll launch our post-campaign Pledge Manager to collect information from all backers and confirm which rewards you'll be receiving. At this point, you'll be able to review your rewards and also also adjust any Add On Options that you may have missed. Once we have everything confirmed, I'll be able to deliver any rewards that are currently available - like the PDF versions of the other Exalted Third Edition rulebooks, like Dragon-Blooded and Lunars or The Realm and Arms of the Chosen, or the fiction bundle, audio bundle, or the Exalted Third Edition core rulebook! Backers who have pledged for these options will be sent special redemption links to claim these digital rewards from our partners at Clicking these redemption links will allow you to add these PDF titles to your digital library to download anytime. I'll send an update when all of that is happening, though, so you are aware every step of the way.

So, while it will take some time for Abyssals: Sworn to the Grave to move from manuscript form to a final product, you won't be waiting a year for PDFs that already exist. (You'll be waiting about 6-8 weeks or so, just enough time for us to set up the reward infrastructure.)

Physical Books

It's going to take some time to create the final PDF for Abyssals and even longer for the eventual print run for the hardcover books. When the books are at the printer, I will be in touch with all Indiegogo backers and go over lockdown procedures and confirming addresses one final time. But that's a long time away, and we'll cover all of that as we get closer to that part of the process.


As we move through these final days of the campaign, please ensure you've chosen the correct Perk for the rewards you want. If you have any issues with the pledge process, either selecting the reward tier or Adding On optional rewards, try a different browser or device. Indiegogo is always refining their processes, but sometimes things are a little sticky. Changing browsers often solves the issue.

On Thursday,  before the campaign ends, I will send an update detailing the steps that occur after the campaign concludes, including notes about our Pledge Manager and the communication plan going forward.

So, just like always: Spread the word! Share your excitement on social media! Tell your friends! We're about to begin our final run towards the finish, so let's make sure that none of our friends miss out!

And I'll be back tomorrow with our next manuscript section for Abyssals: Sworn to the Grave, covering Necromancy and Martial Arts! We'll finish up our fiction on Monday, and then review Stretch Goals on Tuesday!

Speaking of which, we've unlocked two additional goals and have another in our sights for this final week!

ACHIEVED! -At $125,000 in Funding - Abyssals Streaming Overlay

ACHIEVED! - At $130,000 in Funding - New Underworld Locales 2

At $140,000 in Funding - New Abyssal Charms 2

More Abyssals Charms will be added to the Companion PDF.

This Indiegogo campaign ends at 11:59 PM PST on Thursday, December 14th!



Fri Dec 8 '23 Announcement
9 months ago – Fri, Dec 08, 2023 at 10:15:56 AM


Necromancy shouldn’t be. Like the Underworld itself, it is a fractured power built from broken pieces. It emerges from the crypt-bodies of the Neverborn and the cracks in reality caused by their fall; from the enigmatic structure of the Old Laws that existed before there even was an Underworld; from the memory and rites of the living, which have shaped the Underworld’s Essence over millennia as a river shapes its canyon. From this mishmash of disparate fragments comes the art of necromancy — the ability to transform Essence by sheer will, creating bleak, beautiful, and horrifying miracles.

Necromancy has been studied, practiced, and employed by the Exalted from the First Age’s dawn to the modern age. Those who initiate into its mysteries are often transformed by the experience, developing insight into nonexistence, death, memory, and ritual — the strata of the Underworld itself. For all their majesty, for all their insight, the Exalted of the past never truly mastered necromancy. Its deepest circle eluded Solar genius and Lunar intuition even at the height of the First Age.

But no more.

As the Abyssals emerge, eager to explore their power, necromancy finally has its true masters, and Creation and the Underworld alike will bend to their design.

Learning Necromancy

Sorcery is a rare gift, and necromancy is rarer still. Like sorcery, it takes a certain spark of enlightenment, but beyond that, it requires a deathly nature. Some are born with this affinity, drawn to the mysteries of the grave; others twist themselves body and soul to develop the proper mindset. When combined with the fabulous difficulty of finding a true mentor in the art and surviving initiation, there are precious few necromancers in any realm of reality.

The most numerous practitioners of necromancy are specters and nephwracks — those ghosts who have succumbed to the whispers of the Neverborn. Some are foolish enough to seek out this cursed existence for power, only to find themselves too warped to wield it for their original purposes. They are mad kings of Labyrinth-kingdoms, the beings that other ghosts fear in their nightmares.

Next are the Chosen, who have long practiced necromancy as a path to morbid abilities that might not otherwise be available to them. The No Moon Niesha Kiss-of-Hemlock was a student of the Black Nadir Concordat who taught a dozen Lunar apprentices in the First Age and the early days of the Silver Pact. Sidereal dabblers and savants alike are attested in the rolls of the Bureau of Destiny, especially in the Divisions of Secrets and Endings. The rare Dragon-Blooded born with a talent for necromancy often embraces that gift, knowing that if they are already set apart from their kin, it is best to do so on their own terms.

Last of all are the living and the dead, necromancers neither raised up by Exaltation nor twisted by the will of the Neverborn. The living usually outnumber the dead — savants put forward that there is something in necromancy itself that hungers to be employed by the living, feasting on their vitality even as it strengthens them to rule over ghostly servitors. Those necromancers who leave ghosts — a surprisingly slim minority — are among the handful of dead spellcasters uncorrupted by the Neverborn, joined by the scant few who achieve enlightenment in death.

The Three Circles

Necromancy is divided into three circles, each a dramatic increase in power and rarity from the one before.

The First Circle of necromancy — more poetically, the Ivory Circle — allows its practitioner to reshape reality in ways that are limited and local. It spells lay potent curses on single foes, bind and enchant lesser ghosts, and conjure ghostly perils like pyreflame and prayer-ash. Its most common practitioners are those puissant ghosts with necromantic talent; for them, initiation is a road to power and status. A few gods and other spirits likewise have the talent, usually because their nature is touched with death.

The Second Circle, known as the Shadow Circle, is far mightier, and orders of magnitude more uncommon. Its spells reshape battlefields, curse families and towns, and bring all but the greatest ghosts to heel. Those rare ghosts with such talent become true powerbrokers of the Underworld, matched for millennia only by Solar and Lunar necromancers and perhaps a handful of exceptional spirits.

The Third Circle, the Void Circle, is the prerogative of the Deathlords and Abyssals. It has the power to topple citadels, blight city-states, and endow the dead with terrible might. With only a scant few masters throughout history, its true limits remain enigmatic.

Necromancy and Sorcery

Necromancy and sorcery exert similar forces, but are based on separate metaphysical principles. Necromancers can learn most sorcerous spells, though they are often distorted through the lens of the Underworld when purchased in this manner, drawing on its equivalent elements and powers — Cirrus Skiff conjures a wisp of pyre-smoke, Incomparable Body Arsenal becomes a carapace of sharpened bone, and Torrential Cascade summons an inky tidal wave from the Sea of Shadows. Other spells like Blood Lash require no adaptation at all, revealing the intersecting themes between necromancy and sorcery.

There are differences, however. The most notable is that necromancy can’t be used to summon Creation’s elementals or the demons of Malfeas; the former are anathema to the Essence of the Underworld, and the latter swore their oaths of submission to the Exalted, not the dead. Necromancy is also unable to replicate spells of true healing or growth, like Benediction of Archgenesis (Exalted, p. 480).

In return, necromancy grants access to a wide array of unique spells. These spells are especially keen at creating, summoning, and manipulating the dead, exploiting the nature of the Underworld and shadowlands, laying deathly curses, and other bleak magics. If a spell creates or draws on the five elements, its necromantic equivalent instead manifests phantasmal phenomena of the Underworld.

Some savants pursue both sorcery and necromancy, gaining access to the unique benefits of each appropriate to the circles they’ve mastered. Even those who study both arts find themselves drawn to particular magics may have only a single control spell at the first, second, or third circle. A character who learns a control spell through Terrestrial Circle Sorcery who later initiates into Ivory Circle Necromancy may choose a new control spell from her necromantic ones, but this replaces her older choice.

In all other respects, sorcery and necromancy interact as if they were parallel. Necromancy can be used to distort sorcery and vice-versa. Unless otherwise specified, necromantic and sorcerous motes can be spent interchangeably. Likewise, Ivory Circle Necromancy can be used instead of Terrestrial Circle Sorcery to to learn Craft (First Age Artifice), and necromantic workings can be used to create First Age artifice.

Ivory Circle Spells

Abhorrence of Breath

  • Cost: 14nm, 1wp
  • Keywords: None
  • Duration: One scene

With a keen and shattering screech, the necromancer cracks the shell of the world to create a void which draws in air, sound, and hope.

A pin-sized void opens at a point within medium range of the necromancer. It begins to draw in all air and loose matter within long range. At the start of each character’s turn, they must make a reflexive (Strength + Athletics) roll against (higher of necromancer’s Essence or 3) to avoid begin dragged one range band towards it.

A vacuum forms within short range of the void, silencing all mundane sound and causing characters to suffocate (Exalted, p. 232). The necromancer is immune to the void’s pull, but is still silenced and breathless. The void is too small for most things to pass through, but liquid — especially shed blood — is greedily drawn in. 

  • Control: The necromancer moves with unearthly quiet, inflicting a −2 penalty to detect her by hearing. Spirits of air and sky — and the ghosts of all who died by suffocation or drowning — gain an automatic Minor Tie of enmity for her upon meeting her for the first time.
  • Distortion (10): The necromancer is no longer immune to her own hazard. Other characters reduce the difficulty to resist being drawn in by one, except for the necromancer herself — whatever exists beyond the void, it delights in treachery.

Bone Puppet Dance

  • Cost: 13nm, 1wp
  • Keywords: None
  • Duration: Instant

With a dire syllable of command, the necromancer’s brand blooms on her victim’s ribcage, calling his skeleton to free itself from his flesh.

The necromancer rolls (Intelligence + Occult) against the Resolve of a target at up to medium range. If successful, the necromancer may command the target’s bones for (1 + threshold successes) rounds. Every round, the victim must take a miscellaneous action to roll (Stamina + Resistance) against a difficulty of the necromancer’s (Intelligence). On failure, the necromancer may select one of the following effects:

  • The victim’s skeleton twists and dances within his flesh. The victim suffers three dice of withering damage as her body contorts, which doesn’t award Initiative to the necromancer. In Initiative Crash, the victim’s flesh tears, inflicting three dice of lethal damage instead, ignoring Hardness.
  • She can force the victim to fall prone, make him move one range band in any direction, force him to drop a weapon or object or inflict similar effects by seizing control of his skeleton at Storyteller’s discretion.
  • The skeleton attempts to tear the victim apart. The necromancer makes a decisive attack through the skeleton that automatically hits, adding one die of damage for each remaining rounds of the spell’s duration. The necromancer resets to base Initiative afterward. This automatically ends the spell.

Alternatively, this spell may be cast on a corpse to permanently raise it as a bonesider (Exalted, p. 506) with a Defining Tie of obedience to the necromancer that cannot be altered.

  • Control: Skeletons that kill their host tear themselves free of the victim to become bonesiders with a Defining Tie of obedience to the necromancer that cannot be altered. Bonesiders born from the spell are loyal to the necromancer; however this does not extend to those infected by the bonesider. Whenever the necromancer experiences intense emotion, such as anger or sadness, her own skeleton twists in odd ways, contorting her like a gruesome marionette.
  • Distortion (8): Distorting Bone Puppet Dance allows a contesting necromancer to take control of a skeleton affected by this spell (or give control back to the skeleton’s owner, ending the effect).


Malediction of the Infested Heart

  • Cost: 13nm, 1wp
  • Keywords: None
  • Duration: Indefinite

With a wretched cooing noise, the necromancer calls forth a clutch of creeping, writhing pyreworms — centipedes of congealed pyreflame who feed on passion.

The necromancer touches her target, requiring a difficulty 3 gambit in combat. On success, pyreworms mass and burrow harmlessly into his skin and wrap themselves around his heart. When he invokes an Intimacy based on passionate feelings to resist influence or is affected by an inspire roll to create these feelings, he must either pay one Willpower or roll (Wits + Integrity) at a difficulty of (necromancer’s Manipulation). If he fails, he suffers (necromancer’s Essence/2, rounded up) dice of lethal damage, ignoring Hardness.

The spell ends when the necromancer releases the target or once he’s spent (higher of necromancer’s Essence or 3) total Willpower. The victim may dramatically embody their lack of passion as if it was a Flaw (Exalted, p. 167) to earn an Expression Bonus for the session.

  • Control: The hot glow of a symbiotic pyreworm is visible beneath the necromancer’s unclothed chest. She may spend three motes or one Willpower to reduce the intensity of one of her own emotion-based Intimacies or feelings created by an inspire action for one scene.
  • Distortion (9): A rival necromancer may loosen the pyreworms from their host’s heart, granting him a non-Charm bonus on his next roll to resist the hazard and reducing the total Willpower to break the spell by one.  

Seat of Deadly Splendor

  • Cost: 11nm, 1wp
  • Keywords: None
  • Duration: One scene

A great fist of ancient bone bursts from the ground, arranging itself into a dolorous throne fit for a lord of the dead.

While seated on it, she gains the following benefits against characters who can perceive her:

  • The necromancer gains a bonus dot of Appearance and may choose to gain or suppress the Hideous Merit (Exalted, p. 162).
  • She gains (Essence /2, rounded up) non-Charm dice on inspire or instill rolls based on awe, fear, or respect.
  • Characters who wish to approach her must enter a Decision Point, spending one Willpower and citing at least a Minor Intimacy to do so.
  • In combat, the pressure of her majesty is an environmental hazard out to short range against all characters suffering this roll’s Intimacy with difficulty (necromancer’s Appearance), Damage 2i/round. The withering damage dealt by this special hazard is unsoakable, but doesn’t award Initiative to the necromancer. If a character is crashed by it, he falls prone, bowing before his master.

The throne can be destroyed with a difficulty 5 feat of demolition requiring Strength 3. If it survives the scene, it fossilizes, becoming non-magical but permanent.

  • Control: Any mundane seat transforms to fit the necromancer’s majesty, ossifying into elegant bone as she sits in it. While seated, she gains the spell’s usual bonus dice on inspire and instill rolls.  
  • Distortion (9): The throne tightens around the seated necromancer like a fist, holding her in place until the start of the distorting necromancer’s next turn. She is immobilized and suffers a −3 penalty to all physical actions.

Thu Dec 7 '23 Announcement
9 months ago – Thu, Dec 07, 2023 at 09:56:28 AM

Lo, Gravediggers!

We've officially begun the Final Week Countdown for this Indiegogo campaign. Over this final week I'll be sharing a handful of instruction and review-type posts about Reward Tiers & Add On Perks, reviewing our Stretch Goal achievements and targets, and What Comes Next, so if you've got any process questions or are wondering about how the Indiegogo steps work, I'm hoping to clarify any remaining questions before we finish. Of course, if you're still wondering about something, please ask and I'll help as best I can.

This Indiegogo campaign ends at 11:59 PM PST on Thursday, December 14th!

(That's just about 3 AM my time on December 15th, so we'll find out how awake I am in those final hours!)

Final Week Schedule

  • Dec 8 - Sneak Peek at Necromancy
  • Dec 9 - Pledge Perks & Add On Review
  • Dec 10 - Manuscript Preview # 7 - Chapters 7+9
  • Dec 11 - Fiction finale
  • Dec 12 - Stretch Goal review
  • Dec 13 - Manuscript Preview # 8 - Chapter 9
  • Dec 14 - Final Day Checklist & What Comes Next

Recruiting New Backers

I know, this is something I've already said many times (and seem to say during every project!), but for this final week, you are officially an Abyssal Ambassador for this Indiegogo project. It's time to share your excitement for Abyssals: Sworn to the Grave! Basically, we want to recruit as many interested backers as possible to form our Underworld gang over this final week.

I know I end many update posts with "Keep spreading the word! Invite others to join in!" - but what does that mean, and how do you do it?

Easy answer - don't stop talking about Abyssals until  midnight PST next Thursday December 14th (when the campaign has ended). Yes, family and friends are tired of me talking about it. The end, that's all I can say. But what else have I got to talk about? And they've learned to tolerate me during a crowdfunding campaign. But here's the thing - there are others around who haven't heard or don't know about the campaign.

There are many, many Exalted Third Edition fans who haven't yet heard about this campaign and would love to join in. We're right in the middle of a very busy season - and on an alternate funding platform - so it's not surprising that new backers are just finding out about the campaign every day. If you have an opportunity to let someone know, please do and let's make sure they have a chance to join in before the end.

Important Things To Know Before The End


As we've mentioned a few times, this is not the first time Onyx Path has run a campaign on Indiegogo. Though we normally use one of two alternates, we sometimes find ourselves needing a third option to get things done in a timely manner. The last campaign we ran was for Exigents, and it worked fairly well!

There have been a few changes to the Pledging process since that campaign, however, and we found out about them after launch. Apologies for not getting this info to you sooner - Indiegogo actually prohibits people from pledging to their own campaign, so I didn't see this until others brought it up.

When you choose your Perk and make your pledge, Indiegogo has a spot for an Indiegogo Tip. It should be noted that this does not go to Onyx Path - not even to me! It is an extra gratuity that Indiegogo takes to invest in their platform. 

Which is not a terrible thing, 'cause the platforms could always use some work. However, the issue that's come up is the amount does not default to $0 - the space autofills in an amount based on your perk selection. You must select the amount, then choose "An other amount" and adjust to $0 if you do not want to include an extra tip for Indiegogo.

Refund and Repledge

If you had already adjusted the tip amount or all good with your pledge amount, no worries, carry on as before. But if you want to adjust your pledge, you actually have to refund and cancel your pledge and then re-pledge again.

To check your pledge

In the top right of the page is your account square. Selecting that, you can see options that include "My Contributions"

Selecting "My Contributions" will bring up the amount you've pledged for this campaign (and any other Indiegogo campaigns).

You can see your Perk selection and the amount you'd paid. 

At this point, if you decide that the amount was not what you'd initially planned, you can select VIEW DETAILS which will bring up an overview of your pledge and payment like this...

And at this point, if you need to, you can choose to REFUND your CONTRIBUTION. 

For more info about refunds and Indiegogo, you can see their FAQ here:

If you refund your contribution, you are able to re-pledge and adjust the tip amount as noted above without any issue. You'll also be able to select any ADD ON options that you may have missed in the first go round.

The Onyx Path crew and I are not big fans of how the Indiegogo tip amount gets snuck into your pledge and does not default to $0. So, double check your pledge and, if needed, feel free to refund and re-pledge as soon as possible.

SHIPPING CHARGES will be collected in the PLEDGE MANAGER after the campaign 

The best we can do at this point is to plan carefully, advise everyone up front that international shipping will likely be expensive (see our projections on the main page) and only charge what it costs us when the time comes. We’ll be charging for shipping in the Pledge Manager once the books are being printed and we can deal with the actual shipping charges rather than using our best-guesses this far out. If you live outside the US and aren't sure you want the hardcover or other physical items, you can pledge to the PDF tier now and upgrade your pledge in the Pledge Manager once we know the final shipping costs.

Draft Manuscript Previews

The current, approved Draft Manuscript has been made available in update posts during the campaign. We'e got two final sections forthcoming, which cover the final 3 chapters of the book.

Spreading the sections out over the course of the campaign has helped guide and focus the conversation, and helps the development team keep on top of the feedback while these manuscripts go through their final development and editing stages.

In fact, if you want to provide feedback directly to the development team, Onyx Path has created a special Feedback Form just for Abyssals: Sworn to the Grave! You can access that form over the next week at this link:


Some time after the campaign has concluded, these individual section downloads will be removed and backers will have access to a compiled draft mansucript which contains all sections assembled into one big document. I'll likley incorporate all of the Abyssals fiction we've been sharing into the complete preview manuscript as well.

Whispers of the Neverborn (Podcast Links!)

Epic Exalted developer Chazz Kellner has been making the rounds, talking about Abyssals and the work that's gone into this book. I'm a huge fan of the Exalted developers - I can only dream about being only half as creative and inspiring as they are on an off day - and getting a peek into the processes and thoughts behind the Exalted Third Edition lore is always a treat.

First up, Chazz is joined by Elliott Freeman for the an episode of the Onyx Pathcast! Give this a listen for some fun Abyssals bits.

Next up, Chazz talks to Kim from The Story Told RPG podcast to discuss all things Abyssal!

And finally, Chazz joins Mike and Chigg from Darker Days Radio and provides a primer for Exalted and a dive into our Abyssals book, with some talk about new Charms that we'll see in upcoming chapters!

Seriously, take some time over this final week to give these podcasts a listen. I love listening to the developers talk about their work, and there are some neat insights and fun discussions about the Abyssals and the world of Exalted.

Stepping away from Chazz's discussions and interviews, you can also get a taste of Abyssal Character creation in an episodes of the Onyx Pathcast.

The Pathcast comes together to make an Abyssal character! Check it out!

Abyssals Discussion Zones

If you've got questions about the rules or setting, or just want to discuss this game with other fans (as well as the Onyx Path writers and developers!), you can check out these Onyx Path discussion zones:

Share the Links!

1) Don't forget to share a link to the Indiegogo in any discussion you have (where appropriate) - and feel free to pass any of the long list of links above to those who may need more info (or, just point them to this post!)

2) Don't forget to tell us about any post or review or discussion you write! Come to the comments section and let us know so we can all go and contribute! I know I keep saying it, but really - these last days are key. Keep the enthusiasm high (hitting stretch goals certainly makes that easier!) and keep on inviting others to join in, either directly ("Come see...") or just by setting an example of your enthusiasm and interest.

Final Week

We've got one week to go, everyone! Thank you all so much for your support! We work together because it's the right thing to do, and because backers make it better! Let's finish strong! And let's continue exploring this new Exalted Third Edition book together, sharing our feedback with the writers and delving into the draft manuscript, and let's see if we can't get another Stretch Goal before we review next Tuesday!



Wed Dec 6 '23 Announcement
10 months ago – Wed, Dec 06, 2023 at 06:09:56 AM

Hello Gravediggers,

Would that we all had resistance to war? Well, in some small part, you can with today's final section from the massive Charms chapter, covering everything from Resistance to War.

But before we get to today's section from the draft manuscript, I just want to post two quick reminders.

UPDATE #3 - if you've recently pledged, or are thinking about pledging, please go to the campaign page and ready Update #3 to ensure you havent accidentally overpaid or left a tip that you weren't expecting. I'll be posting a new version of this tomorrow so new backers don't have to scroll all the way back, but it's better to get ahead of it now than in the final days of the campaign.

SHIPPING CHARGES will be collected in the PLEDGE MANAGER after the campaign –
The best we can do at this point is to plan carefully, advise everyone up front that international shipping will likely be expensive (see our projections on the main page) and only charge what it costs us when the time comes. We’ll be charging for shipping in the Pledge Manager once the books are being printed and we can deal with the actual shipping charges rather than using our best-guesses this far out. If you live outside the US and aren't sure you want the hardcover or other physical items, you can pledge to the PDF tier now and upgrade your pledge in the Pledge Manager once we know the final shipping costs.


Draft Manuscript Previews will be made available in update posts during the campaign. My current plan is have a new section of the manuscript posted every 4 days during this campaign.

Breaking the manuscript into sections and spreading them out over 4 weeks helps guide and focus the conversation, and helps the development team keep on top of the feedback while these manuscripts go through their final development and editing stages.

In fact, if you want to provide feedback directly to the development team, Onyx Path has created a special Feedback Form just for Abyssals: Sworn to the Grave! You can access that here:


In today’s preview, we’ve got the second part of Chapter 6.

  • Chapter Six: Charms reveals the apocalyptic magic of the Abyssal Exalted, by which they may slaughter armies, bind the dead, and spread death’s dark gifts upon Creation.


The comment section is for all members of this community – united by our shared desire to see this project fund and develop – to cheerlead the project and figure out how best to spread the word about what we’re building here. If you’ve started a thread on whatever social media platform exists today or a Discord conversation about the game or this campaign – let me know about it so we can share that info. If you’ve discussed the game on a blog or podcast, let’s hear about it! If you’ve got funny ideas for social media hashtags, well we can do those too!

If you've got questions about the rules or setting, or just want to discuss this game with other fans (as well as the Onyx Path writers and developers!), you can check out these Onyx Path discussion zones:

Enjoy this final section of Charms and prepare yourself for our final week countdown, which begins tomorrow! Yeah, we're about to enter our final week! It's been a journey already, and we know that things will kick up a notch as we head into the final days. On Friday I'll have some magical sneak peeks, and another manuscript section coming on Sunday!


Mon Dec 4 '23 Announcement
10 months ago – Mon, Dec 04, 2023 at 11:09:37 AM

Hello Gravediggers,

I've got the 4th part of our Abyssals fiction to share with you today, but first some facts! 

We've now hit an even dozen in terms of unlocked Stretch Goals, so let's see what we've got coming up.

ACHIEVED! - At $120,000 in Funding - New Soulsteel Artifacts

At $125,000 in Funding - Abyssals Streaming Overlay

A set of overlays for your online Abyssals game will be created, for your use when streaming your game. This reward will be added to the rewards list for all backers.

At $130,000 in Funding - New Underworld Locales 2

Additional Underworld locations will be created and added to the Companion PDF as well as the Underworld map.


Queen Askaté greeted the Mariner with dangerous familiarity. The queen had known them for years, and though she had been warned before, she made to speak the Mariner’s lost name. With more forcefulness than was a guest’s right, the Mariner gestured for silence, the mark of their Exaltation flaring on their brow in warning. Askaté soured, but complied, withdrawing back to her broken throne of driftwood and sea-glass.

She could have motioned for Mariner to take a plush seat arrayed beside her throne, but kept them standing as recompense for her injured pride. She was old, and powerful, and well-learned in the ways of the Underworld. But she didn’t truly comprehend what the Mariner was, or what the Abyssals would mean for the future of the dead. There was a day when she would look back upon this snub and rue it. The Mariner didn’t relish that. They pitied it.

“You return to us with a Deathlord’s favor,” she said, adjusting the dozen silver rings that weighted down her willowy fingers.

“The Walker in Darkness sends his greetings to you, Queen Askaté, and offers his recognition for your friendship — three grand gowns of vesper-silk from his finest tailors, a coronet of bronze and obsidian, and wine enough to fill my hold, which your servants are already transporting to your banquet halls, my lady.”

Your lady,” she said, wounded afresh. “Your queen. You were my student before you were his servant.”

Proud as ever, the Mariner thought. It was the way of the dead, who were born of ritual — they had trouble accepting change. They would see to that, in time, but the Mariner felt great affection for Askaté, haughty as she was. She had been their patron and tutor in necromancy for a decade before their Exaltation.

“Your instruction has been my guiding star,” the Mariner said. “But there are other matters I would discuss, your majesty.”

“Yes, your missives said as much,” the queen replied. “And they are accurate, are they, in your choice of quarry? The Ravenous Maw of Uxet is a grotesquerie; a profanity upon the seas of the dead. So many ships have been crushed within its toothy maw, fishing boats and war-galleons alike. For the love I bear you still, I do not wish to see you throw your life away so fruitlessly.”

“For the work I have in mind, no lesser creature’s fangs would do, your majesty, and my life…it has already been spent. You know that, even if you don’t wish to recognize what stands before you.”

“Choose some other quest,” she said, and the Mariner watched her hands twist into blasphemous gestures and mudras. A trickle of incense wreathed the Abyssal’s head and attempted to ensnare their senses. It was an unworthy trick, prideful and ignorant. When they had studied necromancy under her tutelage, this had been the way of things: When she couldn’t convince them of her wisdom, she attempted to change their mind by gross force.

Things were not as they were, though, and the Mariner swept the spell away with a casual gesture. The mark of Daybreak burned once more upon their brow, and their anima swelled like a hurricane. The Mariner stood at the center of phantasmagorical winds, and the world smelled not of incense but blood and salt. They approached Queen Askaté and she flinched, feeling the necromantic power gathering around her former pupil.

“I heard once that an excellent teacher hopes to be surpassed by their students,” the Mariner said. “Allow me to show you what I have learned.” 


Evening rain made slick the eaves of the gabled roof. The Gallows Bride crouched under her cloak of waxed black canvas, considering the device in her arms.

It works, or it doesn't, she reasoned. If this shot failed, she would have another. Ledaal Chuyin could run — and like all cowards, run well — but he would never hide from her for long.

She lifted the matte-black barrel, two meters long and riveted with orichalcum and blue jade. Salt-white tubing fed from a barbed soulsteel armband dangling at her hip, alongside the weapon's stolen cartridges.

Had the Mask noticed the artifact's absence? The Day Caste knew it was one-of-a-kind, though not necessarily priceless.

Just like you, Chuyin.

The weapon crackled with ambient hatred. The Bride sharpened her senses, because across the misty courtyard, a fourth floor window shone from the Hall of Bittersweet Chrysanthemums. That meant Ledaal Chuyin was taking his opium in the library. Slowly, inexorably, the Gallows Bride reached for the first cartridge.

Crisp feathers rustled by her side. She froze, only her solemn brown eyes moving. A rain-glossed raven hopped toward her, head tilted in curiosity. The Bride considered it in silence.

No raven, she realized, skin prickling.

Half a heartbeat later, the bird was a scattering of violet stardust. The Bride scrambled behind a chimney stack, struggling to shield her sensitive eyes, the weapon rattling and keening.

She was found out. How? By whom?

The chimney stack cracked, collapsed. The Bride twisted aside, a star-wreathed blade plunging past her shoulder. Rain and crumbling stone framed a fate-whetted face: nose like an axe, hair like spun gold, eyes like amethysts.

Her body wouldn't allow her to linger. The Bride sprung from her hands, twisting through the air like a hanged corpse in a gust of wind. There was nothing but mist and night. I land, or I don't, she reasoned.

Shingles cracked under her heels like the sound of a snapping neck. A memory resurfaced: Mnemon Getha, violet eyes unblinking while they fitted her and Blameless Crane with nooses. But this was no Dragon-Blooded youth hunting her. The Bride's brain burned with the effort of remembering.

"Never thought I'd find you here," she murmured into the dead wind, trusting it to carry her words. Her fingers worked at the barbed soulsteel. The bands were stinging cold, but that was nothing compared to the pain goring her arm when she locked them into place. The tubes turned garnet-dark. All at once she was dizzy, her heart fluttering. She might only get one shot after all.

"You’re accomplice to the murder of an Archon," the Bride continued coolly, sliding a heavy cartridge into the chamber.

"Everything has an ending," the mist whispered to her.

"But not Ledaal Chuyin?" Black lightning crackled between the rivets. Hatred lanced through her veins.

A violet star shone across the dark. Her hand flew across the hammer, her finger strangled the trigger.

the formatting in the following two paragraphs is intentional

It caught them in the shoulder, not a gout of flame like the Bride expected but a sph_re of utt_r dark. They bled in bla_k rays, s_ream_d with no so_nd. The Whispers were de_f_ning.

The Gallows Bride crouched under her waxed black cloak, silent while the th_ng that had b_en Mnemon Getha became nothing.

When the whispers faded to a drone and the last of the assassin’s Essence had inverted, the Bride finally allowed herself a shiver. With the wretched strength of a terrified and wounded animal, she ripped the bands from her arm, relieved at the sight of her red blood.

She was injured, spent, horror-struck, and the window on the fourth floor was dark.

But he would never hide from her for long.


The queen wasn’t alone in her chamber when the Viscount Wreathed in Ruby Mists came calling. Her guards were gone, as they’d been paid to do. The entire wing of the palace was still, except for the Viscount’s swift passage. He’d arranged for that, too. The lock on her door fell open at his touch, its pins crumbling to rust.

She should have been alone, asleep in her bed amidst dozens of silken pillows and beneath a pile of furs. Indeed, she slept, oblivious to the cold northern wind gusting through her open window and lending the chill of the grave to the chamber. The Viscount might have found that amusing, since that was why he was here in the first place, except for the person who waited with her.

Leaning against the bedpost, between the queen and her would-be killer, stood a Weeping Raiton Cast Aside. She wore plain woolen robes and no armor that the Viscount could see, but her grimcleaver, ominously named The Taste of Blood, rested against the footboard in easy reach. He knew of her — sworn to no Deathlord, a scholar of the Old Laws. He’d not yet had the pleasure of meeting her, though her stance and the circumstances told him this was no social call.

Business first. He rushed toward the sleeping queen, daiklave slicing the air...But a Weeping Raiton was faster than he'd imagined, that grimcleaver coming up between them in a blur. Soulsteel screamed where his blade met its haft, the battle-song of two cursed weapons meeting in equal mettle.

“Hold,” she said, as the encircled disk of her Caste mark seeped bloody on her forehead. “Attend my words, deathknight, and know that your mission is flawed.”

He could have pushed past her; he was quick and a Raiton’s reputation was that of an arbiter and philosopher, not a fighter. He could have killed the queen and then argued about it. But the very fact of the Moonshadow’s presence gave him pause. If someone wanted the queen saved, or the Viscount bloodied, they would have sent a warrior. Intrigued, the Viscount disengaged from her. She didn’t lower the grimcleaver until he’d retreated several steps.

“How is it flawed?” he asked. “I’m here bringing justice at the Lover’s behest.”

“You carry out your mistress’ will,” she agreed, “but not that of the Neverborn.”

“The Lover Clad in the Raiment of Tears serves the Neverborn.”

“She serves herself. Think of it — a year from now, two at most, the people of this city will revolt. The queen and her court take and take while they starve. They won’t be so kind as to cut her throat while she’s warm and safe in her bed, dreaming pleasant dreams. Who are you to give her an easy death and free her from the torment to come?”

The Viscount stared, and let his instincts measure her words against his sense of death’s chivalry. “I’ve taken vows—”

“—to the Neverborn first and foremost.” The Moonshadow gestured toward the queen, who slept on as soundly as the dead, perhaps lulled by a Weeping Raiton’s will. “Your liege would install a puppet in her place to further her own cause. Let the queen live to see her downfall. Or better yet, help her shape it.”

She stepped away, leaving him a clear path to the queen, but the Viscount found himself unable — perhaps even unwilling — to take it.
