
ABYSSALS: Sworn to the Grave for Exalted 3E

Created by Abyssal Exalted - Onyx Path Publishing

Help us create a PDF and limited edition hardcover for Abyssals: Sworn to the Grave for Exalted 3E.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Fri Nov 17 '23 Announcement
10 months ago – Fri, Nov 17, 2023 at 07:56:50 AM

Hello Gravediggers,

Before I get to today's update, I just want to underline a few key updates that are available from our campaign page. If you click on the UPDATES tab at the top of our campaign info, you can find:

UPDATE #1, which contains the link to the first section from our draft manuscript

UPDATE #3, which contains important information about your pledge and how much you're paying.

Please make sure you read update #3 so you haven't accidentally overpaid for your pledge.

Now let's get to today's update. Obviously, Exalted contains awesome characters, epic locations, and unbelievable scope. That's why Exalted games are so much fun, and why Exalted stories are so much fun! The fiction that's been released for Third Edition has been great so far (check out the Fiction Bundle Add On if you don't already have those novellas!), and the Abyssals book will have another great tale within it's covers.

That story begins today, with the first (of five) parts of our Abyssals story...

The windows of the Sorrowstone Tower were thrown wide to let in the late afternoon light. Today, a blood-red sun filled the sky, its edges pulsing and wavering. Below, people moved sluggishly along Stygia’s streets, weighed down by the sun’s dull light and stifling heat. Throughout the day, shouts and the clang of weapons filled the air as tempers flared. But there was beauty in it, too. A sun was a rare sight in Stygia, and crimson limned the hall in which The One Who Walks Behind You met with his peers, deepening the shadows and softening harsh edges.

Walks Behind had expensive tastes. His guests lounged upon smooth-lacquered furniture and sumptuous velvet cushions, drinking iced wine from crystal goblets. The art on display was a testament to his wealth: a dancer sculpted in demon brass, his expression full of exquisite yearning; a delicate archway carved from driftwood hauled up from the bottom of the Sea of Shadows; a painting by the ghost of the revered artist Xin Skycaller, capturing the signing of the Stygian Pact.

Each of his guests had paused before that last at some point, studying the depiction of the Deathlord signatories. The Kingeater and the Voice regarded their patrons approvingly; the Mariner examined their master’s peers with calm detachment; and the Gallows Bride? She let a single shadow pass across her face and then slew whatever strange feelings were growing inside her heart. The Deathlords had seen something in each of them, lifted them up from their former lives and lead them to power and purpose. No one in this room was a weak link, and while they were here at their lieges’ behests, they’d worked together in the past and found the company pleasant.

The Kingeater leaned against a marble column, idly swirling the ice in her goblet and listening to its pleasant chime against the crystal. Those who didn’t know her might think her bored, but Walks Behind had seen her shift from nonchalant to high alert in a heartbeat. She’d often regaled them with stories of enemies who’d thought they had the drop on her, only to find the fine point of her rapier at their throats before they’d fully drawn their blades. Did she know what kind of a figure she cut, tall and rakish in her flared leather coat, the setting sun giving her full lips a ruby tinge?

Then the Kingeater caught the Gallows Bride’s eyes, and gave her a wink and a smile full of promise.  Walks Behind realized she knew exactly how handsome and intriguing she looked.


The sound of the orchestra tuning was a sweet discord to the Kingeater’s ears. She’d been looking forward to this opera for ages, and here she was, accompanying the Silver Prince to its opening, seated in his private box in Onyx’s Sunsmoke Theater. The Deathlord’s opal mask gleamed in the lights. He waited for the Dusk Caste to take her first sip of wine before talking business.

“There’s work for you in Stygia,” he said. “My informants tell me the Mask of Winters is making inquiries that encroach upon my interests.”

The wine tasted of summer evenings and battlefields. She savored it as she read the report he passed to her. “Ships? You think he’s setting his sights on Cormorant?”

“Not yet,” he said, “but if he builds a fleet, it’s only a matter of time. If he wants to take to the water, let him teach that rotting behemoth to swim.”

The rivalry between the two was old and complex; the Kingeater had long ago stopped trying to understand it. “Should I leave now?” she asked.

“No,” said the Silver Prince. “Stay and enjoy the performance.”


The Bride smirked and shook her head. “Be careful what you wish for,” she said, as she captured an obsidian Gateway piece with a figure of polished bone. “Word on the street is that I’m trouble.”

“That’s what I’m hoping,” said the Kingeater.

The Bride’s opponent, a stunning man in cobalt robes that matched his eyes, heaved a sigh and tipped over a ration on the topmost board, conceding the game. “I suppose it was too much to think her flirting might distract you.” He said it without bitterness — the Voice That Speaks in Silence enjoyed both the challenge and the company.


Banners fluttered over the Quarter Magnificent, and ocarinas, drums, and bells filled the air, celebrating the completion of the new temple. The Voice that Speaks in Silence walked alongside the Black Heron, whose patronage had made its construction possible. She’d tucked her hand in the crook of his arm, and graced cultists and festival-goers with her smile. The words she murmured to him were at odds with her pleased expression.

“The Mask of Winters seeks the Blue Mansion’s favor. And rumor says he’s buying council votes faster than Fathom Hermit Shell can cast them. He’s putting a plan in motion, and I need you to help stymie it.”

Voice nodded. The Mask posed little threat to the Black Heron, but she was playing an extremely long game — one that led, eventually, to Great Forks. Thwart him now, gain more of the First and Forsaken Lion’s goodwill, and little by little rebuild what she’d lost. The Voice was well-versed in patience and persistence. Today, the cult he served had a new temple in the Quarter Magnificent. Someday, his service to the Black Heron would help them spread throughout Creation, too.


The Bride laughed heartily and gently patted the Voice That Speaks in Silence’s hand. “In another life, I was a champion at this game. I saw that trick coming ten moves before you ever thought of it.”

Across from them, the Mariner of the Final Shore moved toward the window. They folded their hands behind their back and stood, shoulders straight and head high, looking out at the city and the sea beyond. Walks Behind could almost imagine them at the prow of their ship, daring the sea to do its worst. “There’s a storm coming,” they said softly. “We’ll want to close the windows soon.”


The Mariner of the Final Shore watched the dream come upon them like the tide creeping along the sand. The promontory on which they’d been standing faded as the Ebon Spires of Pyrron grew closer. They strode through the dream-realm to find the Walker in Darkness awaiting them in his hall. Through the windows, they could see the mercenary army of the Company of Martial Sinners laying siege to a Scavenger Lands city.

“The Mask of Winters fancies himself an admiral,” said the Walker, turning his lambent orange gaze away from the battlefield and onto the Mariner. “He’s courting shipwrights and sailors, though I don’t know if they’re bound for Thorns, or if he thinks to join the River Styx to the Yanaze and sail for Nexus. Either way, it must not come to pass.”

Then the dream faded, and the Mariner was alone once more, watching raitons dive for carrion in the waters below.


Out over the ocean, purple-gray clouds gathered, building swiftly into thunderheads. Any number of dangers might lurk within, from fat raindrops and bright lightning to a deluge of tears that threatened to drown those caught beneath in despair. Storms in the Underworld were never so simple as their counterparts in Creation.

Walks Behind signaled to his attendants, who hurried to draw the windows closed. They pulled the curtains and lit the lamps. Then, at a nod from their employer, they withdrew, leaving the Abyssals alone.

“To business, then?” asked Walks Behind. He settled at the head of a mahogany table, one that had once belonged to the ghost of a Guild factor from Nexus. It was an acquisition he was particularly proud of, a reminder of what he’d overcome. Many pieces throughout the tower had once been the grave goods of Nexus’ wealthiest citizens, collected as payment for debts when their ghosts ran afoul of Walks Behind’s underlings. Most such pieces he sold off or redistributed to the impoverished, but there were names he remembered from his days on that city’s streets, and he kept an ear to the ground for their arrival in Stygia.


From a balcony in Sunborn’s Last Stand, the First and Forsaken Lion watched a squad of the Legion Sanguinary as they drilled in the courtyard below. Walks Behind stood at his liege’s side, waiting for the Deathlord to speak. At last the drill ended and the Lion turned, chains clanking, to the Iron Hill district, where the Mask of Winter’s new Stygian garrison stabbed into the air. Walks Behind couldn’t see their face beneath that heavy helm — had never seen it at all — but could feel the Lion’s enmity all the same.

“You’ve heard of his plans?” the Lion asked.

“He’s hardly being subtle,” said Walks Behind. “He wants you all to know he’s up to something.”

“Good. Then he won’t be surprised when it falls apart in his hands.”

“I’ve already called the meeting.”


The others refreshed their drinks and joined him. The Gallows Bride was the last to sit, bringing with her a tray of pastries sticky with weeping honey harvested from griefbee hives. She nibbled at one and sighed as the emotions the honey imparted swept over her. “So he’s looking to build a fleet,” she said. Rarely did the Gallows Bride speak the Mask of Winters’ name aloud, but they all knew who she meant. His recent machinations in Stygia had caused concern among their lieges, and set this meeting in motion.


The Gallows Bride pulled the hood further over her face. For the moment at least, she was the hunter rather than the hunted, but the Somber Herald — sworn to the Mask of Winters — was no fool, and if he spotted her, she’d be the quarry once more. He sat at a table at one of Thunder Hill’s wineshops, joined by Aikeret of the Damned Sails. You couldn’t miss the Signatory — that crimson greatcoat stood out like a beacon. The meeting was intentionally public; Aikeret voted with the Silver Prince on council matters, and here she was meeting with his rival’s emissary. The Mask wanted them to be seen.

By the time the Herald glanced her way, the Gallows Bride was already on the move, headed for the Sorrowstone Tower. She owed nothing to the Mask of Winters, not anymore, and her allies would be eager to learn what she’d overheard.


 “Couldn’t he just stick to Thorns?” asked the Kingeater, though she didn’t really mean it. She’d said it for the scowl it would elicit on the Mariner’s face, and wasn’t disappointed.

“Whatever he’s after,” said the Voice That Speaks in Silence, “it will have repercussions for us all.”

“I’d like to see his shipyards,” said the Gallows Bride. “I have some old friends who owe me favors, and can help in that regard. Though I can’t promise they won’t try to sell me out instead.” She turned her slow grin on the Kingeater. “I don’t suppose you’d like to come with me when I meet with them, just in case?”

“Oh, I’d follow you into danger anytime,” said the Kingeater.

“We’ll need to know what inroads he’s made among the Signatories,” said Walks Behind. “The Voice and I will make the rounds.” The Voice nodded, as Walks Behind knew he would. He was a welcome guest at Stygian galas, lending an air of credibility that Walks Behind — with his network of thieves and smugglers — sometimes lacked.

The Mariner consulted a small notebook, whose leather cover was water-stained and soft with use. “It’s hard to have a fleet if monsters destroy your ships. Leave the terrors of the depths to me.”

From outside came a rumble, and the tower shook with the thunder’s boom. The storm was upon them.

... to be continued

Thu Nov 16 '23 Announcement
10 months ago – Thu, Nov 16, 2023 at 03:30:01 PM

Hey there, Deathlords,

I've got a couple of important notes about the pledging process for Indiegogo that I want to share with you. First, though, I need to unveil my new avatar now that we've officially funded Abyssals!

Or I'll say now that it's "fudned" to celebrate my earlier typo!


As we've mentioned a few times, this is not the first time Onyx Path has run a campaign on Indiegogo. Though we normally use one of two alternates, we sometimes find ourselves needing a third option to get things done in a timely manner. The last campaign we ran was for Exigents, and it worked fairly well!

There have been a few changes to the Pledging process since that campaign, however, and we're just finding out about them now. Apologies for not getting this info to you sooner - Indiegogo actually prohibits people from pledging to their own campaign, so I didn't see this until others brought it up.

When you choose your Perk and make your pledge, Indiegogo has a spot for an Indiegogo Tip. It should be noted that this does not go to Onyx Path - not even to me! It is an extra gratuity that Indiegogo takes to invest in their platform. 

Which is not a terrible thing, 'cause the platforms could always use some work. However, the issue that's come up is the amount does not default to $0 - the space autofills in an amount based on your perk selection. You must select the amount, then choose "An other amount" and adjust to $0 if you do not want to include an extra tip for Indiegogo.

Refund and Repledge

If you had already adjusted the tip amount or all good with your pledge amount, no worries, carry on as before. But if you want to adjust your pledge, you actually have to refund and cancel your pledge and then re-pledge again.

To check your pledge

In the top right of the page is your account square. Selecting that, you can see options that include "My Contributions"

Selecting "My Contributions" will bring up the amount you've pledged for this campaign (and any other Indiegogo campaigns).

You can see your Perk selection and the amount you'd paid. 

At this point, if you decide that the amount was not what you'd initially planned, you can select VIEW DETAILS which will bring up an overview of your pledge and payment like this...

And at this point, if you need to, you can choose to REFUND your CONTRIBUTION. 

For more info about refunds and Indiegogo, you can see their FAQ here:

If you refund your contribution, you are able to re-pledge and adjust the tip amount as noted above without any issue. You'll also be able to select any ADD ON options that you may have missed in the first go round.

Apologies once more for not having this information available to you from the start. The Onyx Path crew and I are not big fans of how the Indiegogo tip amount gets snuck into your pledge and does not default to $0. 

So, double check your pledge and, if needed, feel free to refund and re-pledge as soon as possible.

We'll see how things shake out as backers adjust their perks and pledges, but for *right now* I can tell you that we're moving fairly quickly through the Stretch Goals I'd posted. Let's review accomplishments and maybe share some more so we don't need to update every five hours!



As we increase the overall funding and support for the project, we’re able to add additional resources to the project, expand the rewards listed, and add in new offers and opportunities. Each Stretch Goal will have a target that, once reached, will add a project to the reward list for backers of the relevant Stretch Goal path. Whenever we achieve a stretch goal, the image will be updated to reflect it's unlocked status.

Additional Abyssals content will be added and expanded via Stretch Goal achievements. New content added this way will be released as part of a PDF supplement (or supplements), which will automatically be added to the rewards list of all backers receiving the Abyssals: Sworn to the Grave PDF as part of their reward perks. Content created as part of the premium reward perks may also be included in this supplemental PDF.

ACHIEVED! - At $40,000 in Funding - New Underworld Locales

ACHIEVED! - At $50,000 in Funding - An Underworld Map

ACHIEVED! - At $60,000 in Funding - New Abyssal Charms

At $70,000 in Funding - More Necromancy

More Necromancy Spells will be added to the supplemental PDF release.

At $80,000 in Funding - Expanded Section on Ghosts

Additional guidelines and rules for Ghosts will be added to the Companion supplement, including both expanded lore and traits.

At $90,000 in Funding - Abyssal QCs

Additional Abyssal characters will receive Quick Character write-ups in the Companion supplement PDF.

Thanks for your support and understanding as we work out the difficulties in the process! 


Thu Nov 16 '23 Announcement
10 months ago – Thu, Nov 16, 2023 at 11:27:44 AM

Well, that was fast!

Thanks to your support, Abyssals: Sworn to the Grave has been funded! That means Onyx Path will be able to produce a fully-developed PDF and deluxe limited edition hardcover for this project!

Well done, everyone!

I'll remind everyone that Indiegogo sometimes takes a bit to send out the Updates via e-mail, but you can read them on the camapign page. Check under the UPDATES tab. In our first update, you'll see a link to the draft manuscript preview, as well as the feedback form. 



As we increase the overall funding and support for the project, we’re able to add additional resources to the project, expand the rewards listed, and add in new offers and opportunities. Each Stretch Goal will have a target that, once reached, will add a project to the reward list for backers of the relevant Stretch Goal path. Whenever we achieve a stretch goal, the image will be updated to reflect it's unlocked status.

Additional Abyssals content will be added and expanded via Stretch Goal achievements. New content added this way will be released as part of a PDF supplement (or supplements), which will automatically be added to the rewards list of all backers receiving the Abyssals: Sworn to the Grave PDF as part of their reward perks. Content created as part of the premium reward perks may also be included in this supplemental PDF.

At $40,000 in Funding - New Underworld Locales

New Underworld locations will be explored as part of an Abyssals supplemental PDF, which will be added as a bonus reward to all backers receiving the Abysssals: Sworn to the Grave PDF as one of their pledge perks.

At $50,000 in Funding - An Underworld Map

A map of the Underworld will be included in the Abyssals supplemental PDF project. The Underworld map will also be made available for purchase in Onyx Path’s Redbubble online storefront.

At $60,000 in Funding - New Abyssal Charms

Additional Abyssal Charms will be created and added to the supplemental PDF release.

At $70,000 in Funding - More Necromancy

More Necromancy Spells will be added to the supplemental PDF release.

The Onyx Path team are doing a great job answering questions in the Discord! If you've got any questions about the Indiegogo process, remember to read the main campaign page and check out the FAQ section as well.


If you've got questions about the rules or setting, or just want to discuss this game with other fans (as well as the Onyx Path writers and developers!), you can check out these Onyx Path discussion zones:


  • Via E-Mail: Onyxpath.ks [at]
  • Via Indiegogo: Click "Ask A Question" under the Onyx Path logo on the main page; the message will come to me!

Thu Nov 16 '23 Announcement
10 months ago – Thu, Nov 16, 2023 at 11:06:51 AM

Greetings Chosen of the Deathlords!

My name is James, and I’ll be your Crowdfunding Concierge for this project, Abyssals: Sworn to the Grave for Exalted Third Edition! I’ll be updating the Indiegogo campaign as we go, possibly adding Stretch Goals, answering questions, and providing support wherever needed as best I can.

I’ll note that I’m not part of the creative team on this project – so I won’t be able to immediately answer some of the more intricate rules, setting, or design inquiries – but having me manage this crowdfunding campaign allows the developers and writers to keep their focus on the awesome projects that they’ve got in the works.

So, feel free to make me your point person for any questions or issues you may have. I'll make sure to dig up answers as quickly as possible and clear up any issues that arise. Mostly, I'm just looking forward to an exciting ride along with all of you on this (and future) projects.

I’ll be posting several previews and some cool fiction throughout the camapign – I know pledging to this campaign is a big jump, so want to make sure you get as much information as you need before the end. And don’t forget – you can always upgrade your pledge in the post-campaign Pledge Manager, so if you’re not sure you want the deluxe hardcover book yet, you can pledge for the PDF now and trade up at a later date if you want.

International Shipping – Collected in the Pledge Manager

One quick note about Shipping before we get into the manuscript previews. 

First up, it's amazingly expensive to ship, especially from Onyx Path's home base in the US. We get that, but there's not much we can do at this time. Onyx Path is in a difficult space where the company is big enough that they're not saving money by fulfilling out of Rich's garage, but small enough that they can't really set up international partners to handle portions of the fulfillment. So we are where we are - for now. 

The best we can do at this point is to plan carefully, advise everyone up front that international shipping will likely be expensive (see our projections on the main page) and only charge what it costs us when the time comes. We’ll be charging for shipping in the Pledge Manager once the books are being printed and we can deal with the actual shipping charges rather than using our best-guesses this far out. If you live outside the US and aren't sure you want the hardcover or other physical items, you can pledge to the PDF tier now and upgrade your pledge in the Pledge Manager once we know the final shipping costs.


I will also be the person who gets to post the Draft Manuscript Previews, which will be made available in update posts during the campaign. My current plan is to get the first two chapters up for review today, and then we’ll have a new section of the manuscript posted every 4 days during this campaign.

Breaking the manuscript into sections and spreading them out over 4 weeks helps guide and focus the conversation, and helps the development team keep on top of the feedback while these manuscripts go through their final development and editing stages.

In fact, if you want to provide feedback directly to the development team, Onyx Path has created a special Feedback Form just for Abyssals: Sworn to the Grave! You can access that here:


In today’s preview, we’ve got the Introduction and Chapters 1 and 2.

Chapter One: The Abyssal Exalted introduces the Abyssals, those dark champions Chosen at the moment of their deaths.

Chapter Two: The Deathlords details the nine unique and mighty ghosts who serve as patron and liege to the Abyssals — their deathly accomplishments, dark intentions, and plots of conquest and carnage.


  • Abyssals Draft Manuscript Preivew 1 – Intro, Chapters 1-2
  • Abyssals Draft Manuscript Preivew 2 – Chapter 3 – coming Nov 20
  • Abyssals Draft Manuscript Preivew 3 – Chapters 4-5– coming Nov 24
  • Abyssals Draft Manuscript Preivew 4 – Charms: Archery to Investigation – coming Nov 28
  • Abyssals Draft Manuscript Preivew 5 – Charms: Larceny to Presence – coming Dec 2
  • Abyssals Draft Manuscript Preivew 6 – Charms: Resistance to War– coming Dec 6
  • Abyssals Draft Manuscript Preivew 7 – Chapters 7-8 – coming Dec 10
  • Abyssals Draft Manuscript Preivew 8 – Chapter 9 – coming Dec 13

As mentioned, we’ll also have a bunch of previews, some Abyssals fiction, and more coming your way in updates throughout the campaign, so there will always be something to talk about!

The comment section is for all members of this community – united by our shared desire to see this project fund and develop – to cheerlead the project and figure out how best to spread the word about what we’re building here. If you’ve started a thread on whatever social media platform exists today or a Discord conversation about the game or this campaign – let me know about it so we can share that info. If you’ve discussed the game on a blog or podcast, let’s hear about it! If you’ve got funny ideas for social media hashtags, well we can do those too!

If you've got questions about the rules or setting, or just want to discuss this game with other fans (as well as the Onyx Path writers and developers!), you can check out these Onyx Path discussion zones:

So, welcome to Indiegogo! Welcome to the Abyssals! And let’s if we can create some Exalted over the next 4 weeks!